2 Jul 2021, 2:46:28 pm
Post: 22/49
It would be really cool to be able to see the progress of individuals within the gang to see who is the most productive and to keep track of it and such for gang contests. Would it be possible to see individual scores for OTH /OTD, but within the gang? šŸ˜„


2 Jul 2021, 7:13:09 pm
Post: 24/48
Good idea!!!
3 Jul 2021, 1:21:17 am
Post: 41/150
hay there sadmin michael code that for me b4 i sure he can do again šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘
3 Jul 2021, 2:26:05 am
Post: 18/119
Iā€™d be nice if number of OTH/OTD obtained was a rank on HOF and/or listed on peoples profiles
4 Jul 2021, 1:20:11 am
Post: 33/58
OTH/OTD stats are added to the Hall of Fame, we will be adding a gang feature to track members progress soon. šŸ‘
4 Jul 2021, 1:31:27 am
Post: 23/49
[CWsadmin rupert  prestige wrote
OTH/OTD stats are added to the Hall of Fame, we will be adding a gang feature to track members progress soon. šŸ‘

Thank you! šŸ˜„
4 Jul 2021, 7:56:18 pm
Post: 59/265
yaa! love stats lol