10 Aug 2021, 4:46:06 pm
Post: 112/142
I couldn’t find the original post, but maybe different cities have some mini games you can play. Like purse Snatch or Russian roulette.

Purse Snatch:
Pick 1 of 3 Purses for random generated reward. (Points,exp,$,AP, DP,SD)
Could even give the game a cost to play and some negative consequences for picking the wrong purse.

Opportunity to get creative here.


10 Aug 2021, 4:47:01 pm
Post: 113/142
$25,000 to play. Play maximum of 5 times per day or something.
10 Aug 2021, 4:47:06 pm
Post: 78/150
modafuka u think they gonna code something new when skill point bin in the work for 2 month?
10 Aug 2021, 4:49:59 pm
Post: 114/142
They can wrap that up and work on this or something else to make the game more attractive and fun to play.