16 Apr 2023, 6:39:26 pm
Post: 106/157
Why not have a cash option for people wanting the biggest house. Let them donate for a certain amount instead of trying to sell me points. So many credits per billion.


0 1
16 Apr 2023, 6:43:01 pm
Post: 2/23
👀 👍
16 Apr 2023, 6:58:05 pm
Post: 191/452
why stop there?

just make a house you buy direct with a paypal transaction like the prestige packs 🤣
16 Apr 2023, 7:02:25 pm
Post: 3/23
[LODogbert  prestige wrote
why stop there?

just make a house you buy direct with a paypal transaction like the prestige packs 🤣

True 👌
16 Apr 2023, 10:01:37 pm
Post: 107/157
Not everyone can get money like a cheat
16 Apr 2023, 10:07:07 pm
Post: 192/452
Fuck Dogbert  prestige wrote
Not everyone can get money like a cheat

yeah, it would be nice if we all had multis like you that could send tons of cash and/or points every time there's an event running 🤣

unfortunately the rest of us have to come up with it in other ways 😥
17 Apr 2023, 2:27:55 am
Post: 29/59
like buying packs on other games to make deals on other games 👀 instead of supporting the game and buying direct from the game 👀
17 Apr 2023, 2:33:28 am
Post: 193/452
[FUMr. Mackey  prestige wrote
like buying packs on other games to make deals on other games 👀 instead of supporting the game and buying direct from the game 👀

no, I'm pretty sure the suggestion means buying cash packs direct from the game

yanno like some people buy point packs and other items from the upgrade page

not to be confused with trying to trade for stuff and then sell it for a few bucks RL cash because you're a broke ass piece of shit who doesn't want to work 🤣 🤣
17 Apr 2023, 2:36:59 am
Post: 30/59
im broke but you buy people point packs on other games to trade em here instead of spending the money here directly? for a rich guy like you claim to be i dont understand why you claim to be top trader spend the money you claim to have and stop mailing all my traders your deals lmao stick to giving money to rajesh