25 Sep 2023, 9:49:52 pm
Post: 46/59
Instead of having the multiple options of different ops to buy can we get em where we want just one option to buy multiple of the same? Ex. Instead of buying 5 bust ops I pay to buy 5 crime ops and then I’ll lose the ability to buy the other ops and focus on a set of just crime ops


25 Sep 2023, 9:54:21 pm
Post: 302/452
this would be too overpowered

for instance the bust ops pay much less than mugs or crimes and the kill ones pay way more

so if you could buy 5 of the best one it would be way more than the people who got 5 of the low paying ones

and if they all paid equally that would just suck

everyone would just do mugs and finish them in 10 mins 🤣 🤣
27 Sep 2023, 10:56:20 pm
Post: 47/59
just up the price for buying the same of one op