6 Jan 2024, 7:16:31 pm
Post: 256/265
why not have have a mission and ops throne in either city?


6 Jan 2024, 11:58:34 pm
Post: 96/104
Give me more.. what would be the reward of holding the throne I mean?
7 Jan 2024, 9:46:37 am
Post: 31/56
Rewards Suggestions:

10% Exp Bonus
10% Crime Payout Bonus
10% Fail Mug/Crime Less
10% Stats Bonus
10% Less Nerve Used While Mugging/Criming

1 from the top for 1 throne. Just thought to throw out suggestions
7 Jan 2024, 12:31:46 pm
Post: 200/240
more thrones not a bad idea, but ops payouts do not need another bonus
7 Jan 2024, 2:09:16 pm
Post: 365/452
agreed with more thrones

however ops and missions would be the most challenging thing to take advantage of outside the main city

for instance every mission you would have to travel to do your kills and then travel back for throne boost

kill ops would be near impossible for same reason

so that kinda cuts it way back right from the start
7 Jan 2024, 2:30:40 pm
Post: 98/104
We already have an XP and GYM one, so another of those is out of the question.

What else would benefit players game play rn?
7 Jan 2024, 8:12:00 pm
Post: 33/56
Wait so milan is XP? LOL dont tell me its so and im finding out now LMAO ahahaha
7 Jan 2024, 8:15:45 pm
Post: 34/56
[UCR] Dracula  prestige wrote
We already have an XP and GYM one, so another of those is out of the question.

What else would benefit players game play rn?

10% More Crime Cash? 😇
7 Jan 2024, 8:17:57 pm
Post: 257/265
[LO] Dogbert  prestige wrote
agreed with more thrones

however ops and missions would be the most challenging thing to take advantage of outside the main city

for instance every mission you would have to travel to do your kills and then travel back for throne boost

kill ops would be near impossible for same reason

so that kinda cuts it way back right from the start

unless you move the training and EXP thrones to london or lisbon, leaving sydney with missions and milan with ops

but yeah idk what else i could expand on lol just figured extra thrones in other cities would encourage activity to those cities? lol