30 Mar 2024, 9:09:26 am
Post: 260/265
I brought it up before but would still love a way to sort ops better, the amount of times I clicked on the EXP crime bonus one when I wanted to do just a normal crime is dumb and wasteful.

Maybe have a drop down menu to sort them by the type of op of the amount of ops one has left to do per category or something like that

I feel like it would save time as well having to scroll down through so many ops that people collect over time


30 Mar 2024, 5:46:08 pm
Post: 1/1
clean all ops are the best way
30 Mar 2024, 6:57:31 pm
Post: 389/452
[FU] LeViathaN  prestige wrote
clean all ops are the best way

^ this

just do them all and they don't take up that much room

is simple really
30 Mar 2024, 10:39:51 pm
Post: 390/452
something worth noting tho, and I know I brought it up before also, among the many other broken things here...

originally the exp and stat boost ops were highlighted green in color to make them easily distinguishable from the rest of the normal ops on the page

it seems that since the sadmin AI took over, they have not been able to code in the color change correctly for the newer versions of season pass boost ops
1 Apr 2024, 1:39:51 am
Post: 261/265
Yeah I don't have the time to do them all but the time I do have shouldn't be limited to scroll down a list of unorganized ops
2 Apr 2024, 7:38:20 am
Post: 262/265
It's a matter of organization to have it sorted by type or number of ops done in said type
2 Apr 2024, 7:47:34 am
Post: 391/452
They tried this before and it didn't work. Personally I like the system how they are in chronological order oldest to newest plus I hate changes to anything without a valid reason so the current way works and prolly shouldn't be messed with.

If they were to do something with this, it would probably be better to have like a storage folder that players can manually store the ops in kinda like files on a PC.

Changing the whole system for everyone because ppl can't finish their ops is just dumb and a waste of time.

If anything ever does get added, it should absolutely be disabled by default too and you should have to manually switch it on so we don't have the same issue as the last time they tried to sort them and were broken or missing and also so returning players don't think that all their ops just disappeared one day.