7 Jun 2021, 2:16:23 pm
Post: 68/228
Had a guy i invited several weeks ago lose his invite in his events log. Can we have the ability to reinvite someone we've invited prior?


7 Jun 2021, 2:21:00 pm
Post: 9/185
....or a list of people we've invited...with a revoke or resend button lol...
7 Jun 2021, 2:28:38 pm
Post: 14/119
Or just have the invite stay on the top of the user page, under a new voice of Gang Invites, instead of an event log that can get easily lost.
7 Jun 2021, 2:47:42 pm
Post: 69/228
All of this really.
8 Jun 2021, 2:17:41 am
Post: 46/240