20 Jul 2021, 3:15:31 pm
Post: 32/180
i was told to forum this....bc it has to be suggested in the form of a forum post

is there any way we can pay points to get 30 min or 60 min of mug and or attack protection.....so smaller players can sign in and actually play the game....n not have to spend all of their time dead...or all of their money on certs?


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20 Jul 2021, 3:21:04 pm
Post: 2/67
Death contracts seem to be in high demand too.. suggest setting sensible limits
20 Jul 2021, 3:24:23 pm
Post: 1/6
20 Jul 2021, 3:26:47 pm
Post: 25/118
I'm fine with it but I would add a limit to the times a player can use them, to prevent someone from using them throughout their time online while causing shit lol
20 Jul 2021, 3:27:52 pm
Post: 33/180
then have a retal feature....orrrr you can't attack while using protection....
20 Jul 2021, 3:33:12 pm
Post: 2/7
[FUBugaboo  prestige wrote
then have a retal feature....orrrr you can't attack while using protection....
This, you can't attack or mug while under protection. Of course, they still gonna run their mouth ..........
20 Jul 2021, 3:43:54 pm
Post: 26/118
[FUBugaboo  prestige wrote
then have a retal feature....orrrr you can't attack while using protection....

problem with that is that would prevent people from using them to run regular kill objective mission/operations, which is kinda the purpose of 30/60 min protection
20 Jul 2021, 3:45:18 pm
Post: 34/180
gonna have to sneak in kills when u dun have protection lol...
i have seen it work on other games...timing is the key? lol
20 Jul 2021, 6:38:21 pm
Post: 1/1
We need to get people to stop hiding behind death contracts. They need to be limited to once an hour or a couple times a day. If u want to smack sum1 have the guts to put your name on it.