3 Aug 2021, 6:11:17 pm
Post: 30/31
I feel like we should get some kind of event or something when someone buys our points off the market. There has been a couple times I was “waiting” for it to tell me they sold and of course it didn’t lol


3 Aug 2021, 6:13:01 pm
Post: 2/4
you do get one
3 Aug 2021, 6:13:08 pm
Post: 3/4
3 Aug 2021, 6:14:03 pm
Post: 49/452
Point Market
Welcome to the improved point market! You can place both buying and selling orders.

Selling orders allow you to list your points at a certain price.
If there are already buying orders above your selling price, those orders will execute immediately.
Buying orders allow you to list your money looking to buy points at a certain price point.
If there are already selling orders below your buying price, those orders will execute immediately.

^^ You always get an event unless one of the above scenarios is true and they auto fill
3 Aug 2021, 6:20:37 pm
Post: 44/54
It does tell you.

[H-H] Legacy bought 1,000 points from you for $1,500. 5 Jul 2021, 1:21:36 am
3 Aug 2021, 11:23:34 pm
Post: 31/31
Oh I have never gotten one