9 Mar 2023, 4:57:46 am
Post: 91/157
You want the donations but half the shit is broke.
Attack the Sydney Throne 275 times. 256 / 275
Get 1 attack per knocking them off.

Gym wouldn't work unless you log out and back in.

This is starting to suck with stuff being broken daily


9 Mar 2023, 5:28:13 am
Post: 5/25
Inventory showing I have 99000 or so prison keys but when I try to use one, it says I don't have any. wtf
9 Mar 2023, 5:34:47 am
Post: 151/265
Inventory showing I have 99000 or so prison keys but when I try to use one, it says I don't have any. wtf

Yup! I tried to bust naps but got caught lmao couldn't use my 8k keys
9 Mar 2023, 5:37:55 am
Post: 6/25
I bought a few more keys and that seemed to restore the rest. Now crimes barely working
9 Mar 2023, 6:03:41 am
Post: 7/25
I need to complete 22 operations to finish criminal pass level. I've just done 12 and am only getting credit for 2
9 Mar 2023, 7:16:41 am
Post: 152/265
Lol this game is just alot right now 😅 😂 🤣
9 Mar 2023, 8:48:20 pm
Post: 64/185
field benefit doesn't have a default value...

when trying to use a kill master from inventory
9 Mar 2023, 8:52:30 pm
Post: 170/452
crime pack enable and disable is broken as well

not sure how many more places I can post that 🤣
12 Mar 2023, 1:52:22 am
Post: 92/157
Finishing Ops give an event number but no event. Must reload page to complete.