12 Sep 2024, 10:25:10 pm
Post: 423/424
In order to expedite this process a bit faster and make the post look more clean, I will continue to do the Lord's work here and make a fresh thread with them listed by priority and usefulness.

As said originally, this will not be an exhaustive list of everything, but rather a good start. Most of this is geared towards much needed and long overdue UI and QOL improvements on already existing stuff. So to be extra clear I want to preface this by saying that most of these suggestions are in addition to whatever we have now. So players would never really lose any of the old stuff that they know and love because I know how much everyone hates changes. This would just be alternate options for moving forward with the fast paced world of CW. So if you choose not to use them, that's great but for the rest of us who want to continue moving forward, this is stuff that we need done and has been repeatedly discussed...

1.) Drugs need to be made stackable. This is a really simple one. Just how you stack out a bunch of 5 min crime masters or other items for hours on end, you should be able to do that with drugs as well. Reason being that we have massive amounts of drugs in the game from SP rewards and ppl spend RL money on them and should be able to use them as they please. Just like IRL, if you want to be under the affects of alcohol for 8 hours, you should be able to just stack them out for 8 hours or 24 hours or 36 hours etc. Same with coke, and steroids. To clarify, this isn't to make drugs any better or worse, it would just let you use more of the ones we already have and stack them out in a row for extended amounts of time instead of using them once every 20 mins which is now old and outdated.

This has become even more of a chore since the original post and also affects both main and character accts now. This is now a top priority because other updates have already been done and this is one of the most obnoxious things to play around. I would suggest that this have no limit at all seeing as how the game is still flooded with drugs and it would encourage ppl to use them and explore drugs as a game mechanic. However if that seems too excessive, it should be at least a 24 hour option so we can play for a marathon day of gaming and not have to click out our drugs on 2 accts every 20 mins. Nobody got time for that.

2.) Crate search power needs to be increased to 100 instead of 50. This is really simple. On the crate page here:

Every search costs 15 power, you gain 1 power every 20 minutes.
Search Power: 10 / 50

The current max is 50 and should be at least 100. Reason being that often times you log off and have it at 14 or higher sometimes if you forget to check it and then if you are offline for awhile, it will easily surpass the 50 total and lose out on searches. This isn't so ppl can just let it run longer while being offline. It's so it doesn't hurt the active players who occasionally forget to check it before logging off. There is no reason why this shouldn't be increased. It affects such a negligible amount of items and rewards active players who constantly get screwed by it simple for not checking an extra page all the time.

Since the original post, I have missed out on tons of crates because of this exact scenario. Now it affects both main and character accts. This is also a top priority seeing as it takes barely any effort to code/update and also no reason not to.

3.) Increase bust bot count to 5+. This means that instead of the 3 lonely bust bots we have now, there would be 5+ on the page to click on instead. Make them cost more as well considering the bust bot prices are kinda low to begin with. But we definitely need more bots to click on because the ops have gotten much larger recently and it's becoming more of a chore than it already was before. More bots to click gives a quicker and easier way to get busts done. This wouldn't change the prestige multipliers at all, only the number of bots on the screen. Also, along with the other suggestions, here, keep the option of 2 bots or whatever we have now. The 5 piece bots would just be an addition for those who want to spend more on them.

4.) Bust master item. Simple really. Make it work like kill master item does now. Where it counts 2x busts for ops and missions. Reason for this is because bust ops are the biggest drag on the game once again. Pace changes with other ops improved over time and now busts have fallen back to the old chore mode and slow progression.

5.) Item transfers should be allowed between main and char accts 100%. We can already send points, cash, creds and crates/crate items so no reason we shouldn't be able to send housing shards and normal items at this stage in the game. Also, I don't think it would be detrimental to allow char accts to send items backward to main accts at this stage. Game currency and market use on char still a NO for obvious reasons but items, shards, crates can filter both ways without issues I think.

6.) This spot reserved for a sadmin back pat when top priorities from this list are added ๐Ÿงก


15 Sep 2024, 12:09:29 am
Post: 224/226
2: set your notification amount to 15. here If you login once every 12 hours you won't have an issue with overrunning your limit. If you don't, you don't deserve to keep passively gaining the power.

3&4: improvements to busting bots page should be good enough. Highest bust op is 200 busts which is 5-7 clicks for most people, which is possible to complete in under 2 seconds. Also the 100,000 bots pack now increased to showing 4 buttons at once. On top of that, the buttons you don't click, don't shuffle around anymore, so it's easier to plan your next click.

5: The near future plans don't include implementing char > main transfers.
15 Sep 2024, 12:29:06 am
Post: 424/424
[CW] HaxxBlaze  prestige wrote
2: set your notification amount to 15. here If you login once every 12 hours you won't have an issue with overrunning your limit. If you don't, you don't deserve to keep passively gaining the power.

3&4: improvements to busting bots page should be good enough. Highest bust op is 200 busts which is 5-7 clicks for most people, which is possible to complete in under 2 seconds. Also the 100,000 bots pack now increased to showing 4 buttons at once. On top of that, the buttons you don't click, don't shuffle around anymore, so it's easier to plan your next click.

5: The near future plans don't include implementing char > main transfers.

2.) This does not eliminate the human error part of having to check the page constantly. In fact, now it shifts to having to check an event which can easily get spammed away/lost/forgotten and that's actually worse I think. Plus, having them left at 13 or 14 power is still an issue not resolved by the 15+ counter/event thing. I disagree with the 12 hr thing and it doesn't reflect how this system works. If I start at rollover with 0 power and then click out 4 of them and log off and forget. I shouldn't lose the 4 clicks (20 power) or the free time ones if I login before the next rollover or forget to check them. There should be enough time for it to elapse for 24 hours of clicking and checking like a daily objective. Especially seeing that this is a daily objective lol. This would possibly work if the crates we clicked out or used creds on rolled over with the normal time ones in a 24 hr period. However they don't. It will cap at 50 and you can credit power your way over 50. Not the other way around. Where you keep your hard earned crates and the timer rolls over 50. That's the big issue is the combination factor. Hopefully that explains it more clearly.

3 + 4.) Remains to be seen as we all haven't had time to test them yet. It does look promising however.

5.) Looking back on that second part, I kinda agree now on some items. The only big downside will be the crate stuff because it will become dead items on char this way. The first part should still be viable though. With sending items and housing shards from main acct to char acct.

1 + 6.) Have a back pat waiting ๐Ÿ‘‹
15 Sep 2024, 12:32:11 am
Post: 225/226
it's not an event, it popups at the top of the screen with a button to click to make it easy.