21 May 2021, 8:19:18 pm
Post: 14/228
The Game -

The person above you makes a wish, it is your job to corrupt it, and respond with your own.

i.e. 1st poster: "I wish for a banana!" 2nd Poster: "Granted, but its now a 16" dildo. I wish for a new job!"

I'll start.

I wish for a new duck.


0 1 2 3 4
18 Jul 2021, 12:02:29 am
Post: 23/119
Granted but they are earned illegitimately and you get banned on the spot without even being able to use them

I wish conscription was put back into place
21 Jul 2021, 3:17:50 pm
Post: 24/31
Granted but your the 1st one drafted..

I wish for a new house
21 Jul 2021, 4:14:03 pm
Post: 86/142
Granted but the level requirement is 100

I wish for 1 click trains + refills
22 Jul 2021, 9:47:46 am
Post: 2/2
Granted, but not on this game

I wish we were all given rm status
22 Jul 2021, 10:19:57 am
Post: 5/67
Granted. Please insert coin first

I wish I didn't have to make a wish
22 Jul 2021, 7:38:54 pm
Post: 29/119
Granted. But over a spotty network the genie hears “I wish I would never run out of wishes”. Now every time you say something it turns into a wish.

I wish for gang houses, gang missions, gang boost, gang skills, and overall give a purpose to having gangs.
23 Jul 2021, 5:01:46 am
Post: 17/25
Granted, But you can't use any of the new features

15 Aug 2021, 5:26:23 pm
Post: 98/265
i wish i could be stronger