14 Aug 2024, 1:53:26 am
Post: 131/150
hello I went too suggest trade portle is simple really

Think of main acct and character acct as 2 server so if main acct went to trade to character acct u place ur point on portle and someone with character acct can take u trade

So let say 5 people on main acct went too trade they place point in portle and someone with character acct has choose who they went too trade

oof course is fee because sadmin greedy so u well need to access portle with credits also another caviar is u cannot take ur trade down or trade with uself to take down and u make it both way so if u done went to take trade with anyone with list u can make u own for example I have point on me character I go to portle and only one went to trade is bully dogbert I say no make me own trade list on portle and wait for someone else to take is simple really

Like if u agree


14 Aug 2024, 2:09:33 am
Post: 418/452
This makes no sense. You can already send points from one main acct to another main acct and then to charizard acct. So that eliminates the need for a market/portal to post main trades on.

You can already adjust the ratio if needed while doing the above, which you didn't even mention that part.

Doing it the opposite way if you allowed char accts to send to mains would be stupidly OP and the exact reason they can't send to them in the first place 🤣 🤣

Literally everyone could just farm points on their char and move to a main. Not to mention this is way too late and char accts too far along to consider something like that anyway.

Maybe for a 3rd char acct in the future and unlocking as a prestige perk or with a heavy cost attached, but not the way the game sits now 👎 👎 👎
14 Aug 2024, 2:12:44 am
Post: 132/150
of coarse u went ratio posibile u went to abuse trader on ratio on trade is no fare
14 Aug 2024, 2:12:57 am
Post: 133/150
Suck a cox
14 Aug 2024, 2:53:52 am
Post: 216/240
14 Aug 2024, 2:55:46 am
Post: 134/150
look who hear the one an only cat loving little man