27 May 2021, 3:29:47 am
Post: 28/228
Concept: A powerful weapon that can be launched against any gang, but with that power comes costs.

Example: The Plague
Cost: Something Appropriate, but Points & cash, or perhaps gang milestones.
Players in target gang suffer % based detriments to trains due to poor health.
Cure: Something Appropriate, but Points & cash, or perhaps gang milestones.

Example 2: Big Brother
Cost & Cures will basically be open to y'alls decision.
Players affected with Big Brother have a debt to settle, and a % of each crime the gang commits will go to the rival gang until the debt is paid.

Example 3: Ankle Bracelets
Players affected will be unable to leave Sydney

Example 4: Errors in Judgement
Players affected have a chance to fuck up their attacks, and hits they'd normally win on, they lose.

Example 5: Under Surveilance
Players affected have the cops watching them, so crimes and busts are harder to pull off - has potential to really fuck with missions if done right.

Take it, run with it, I had it in my game, and it was received well enough, i'm sure with competent pilots this thing could be fun.


0 1
27 May 2021, 5:35:40 pm
Post: 33/240
[CW] πŸ‡³πŸ‡±  prestige and I both like this, and plan to work on it. Most likely use gang respect for this, to give it some usage. Willing to accept other weapon ideas.
27 May 2021, 8:30:48 pm
Post: 30/228
Cheers MJ. Appreciate the visibility here. I think the gang respect element is a good utility for this.
3 Jun 2021, 3:34:43 pm
Post: 26/142
Please include ways to boost your own gang as well.
3 Jun 2021, 9:25:33 pm
Post: 53/228
Yeah, I was thinking this one could be one that could benefit the attacking gang:

Example 2: Big Brother
Cost & Cures will basically be open to y'alls decision.
Players affected with Big Brother have a debt to settle, and a % of each crime the gang commits will go to the rival gang until the debt is paid.

These also have a potential to really 'improve' or 'fuck with' gang wars, too. Should a limit be set, or do we yolo hands this one?
8 Jun 2021, 8:51:46 pm
Post: 26/58

Slowly working on this 😁 Gangs will have a page to spend their respect on, the current respect prices are just for testing, not actual prices. πŸ‘
8 Jun 2021, 8:55:49 pm
Post: 27/58
Also looking for item ideas that gangs can use during wars, so its not just attacking eachother.
8 Jun 2021, 8:59:39 pm
Post: 29/150
hay there sadmin i notice on error on judement u have a bad word.. can u abstain from useing profanity? thank you very much god bless you
8 Jun 2021, 10:03:56 pm
Post: 30/142
Maybe debuff that can clear out negative effects and also clear out positive effects.

Also make so that you don’t NEED to be at war to use weapons/bonuses/items.

Can also purchase certain items for points?