27 May 2021, 3:29:47 am
Post: 28/228
Concept: A powerful weapon that can be launched against any gang, but with that power comes costs.

Example: The Plague
Cost: Something Appropriate, but Points & cash, or perhaps gang milestones.
Players in target gang suffer % based detriments to trains due to poor health.
Cure: Something Appropriate, but Points & cash, or perhaps gang milestones.

Example 2: Big Brother
Cost & Cures will basically be open to y'alls decision.
Players affected with Big Brother have a debt to settle, and a % of each crime the gang commits will go to the rival gang until the debt is paid.

Example 3: Ankle Bracelets
Players affected will be unable to leave Sydney

Example 4: Errors in Judgement
Players affected have a chance to fuck up their attacks, and hits they'd normally win on, they lose.

Example 5: Under Surveilance
Players affected have the cops watching them, so crimes and busts are harder to pull off - has potential to really fuck with missions if done right.

Take it, run with it, I had it in my game, and it was received well enough, i'm sure with competent pilots this thing could be fun.


0 1
8 Jun 2021, 10:09:26 pm
Post: 31/142
Points ideas.

Online hits / offline hits. Experience gained. Offensive win / defensive win.
8 Jun 2021, 10:22:31 pm
Post: 32/142
Gang wipe bonus, heating up/consecutive hits bonus
9 Jun 2021, 1:48:57 am
Post: 28/58
[KIMickey wrote
Maybe debuff that can clear out negative effects and also clear out positive effects.

Also make so that you don’t NEED to be at war to use weapons/bonuses/items.

Can also purchase certain items for points?

Yeah. Points can be a option too πŸ˜ƒ
10 Jun 2021, 6:14:02 pm
Post: 33/142
[CWsadmin rupert  prestige wrote
Also looking for item ideas that gangs can use during wars, so its not just attacking eachother.

Maybe mugs to count for points so lower level players can have more involvement?
10 Jun 2021, 6:16:51 pm
Post: 34/142
[KIMickey wrote
[CWsadmin rupert  prestige wrote
Also looking for item ideas that gangs can use during wars, so its not just attacking eachother.

Maybe mugs to count for points so lower level players can have more involvement?

Example: gang with most mugs on other gang at end of war gets 250 bonus points.
10 Jun 2021, 6:22:50 pm
Post: 71/228
That is a good suggestion i think, too often the little guys are left with their hands clean.
8 Jul 2021, 8:38:17 pm
Post: 65/142
War Weapon Ideas:
Enemy Point Debuff - enemy gets only 50% of points for 1 hour
Protective Barrier- Members cannot be attacked for 1 hour
Point Buff - get double points for 1 hour
