20 Jul 2021, 3:15:31 pm
Post: 32/180
i was told to forum this....bc it has to be suggested in the form of a forum post

is there any way we can pay points to get 30 min or 60 min of mug and or attack protection.....so smaller players can sign in and actually play the game....n not have to spend all of their time dead...or all of their money on certs?


0 1 2 3
21 Jul 2021, 7:45:18 pm
Post: 27/118
2. Should we reveal who lists you on death contracts? (Yes or No)

Yes. That would prevent people that have nothing to do with some dumbass drama from getting the blame 🤣
24 Jul 2021, 12:46:49 pm
Post: 11/32
Why has adding a daily limit that people can be listed added to the Vote process? This needs attention.
24 Jul 2021, 1:03:10 pm
Post: 5/6
[FUBugaboo  prestige wrote
i was told to forum this....bc it has to be suggested in the form of a forum post

is there any way we can pay points to get 30 min or 60 min of mug and or attack protection.....so smaller players can sign in and actually play the game....n not have to spend all of their time dead...or all of their money on certs?

What happened to the vote on this???? Admin says post and then they ignore it.
24 Jul 2021, 6:58:02 pm
Post: 6/6
OMG! Attack protection should be in 1 hour increments, not 1 day or 3 days, or unlimited. You pay every hour to renew it.
24 Jul 2021, 6:59:51 pm
Post: 7/25
Lucky wrote
OMG! Attack protection should be in 1 hour increments, not 1 day or 3 days, or unlimited. You pay every hour to renew it.

That's what the poll says, 1 hour protection, but you can only use it once per day, 3 times per day, or unlimited times, as per the voting options

"The yes options for the next two polls also include limits, so 1 per day, would mean they can only use 1 attack protection per day. (They will last 1 hour each if voted yes)."