9 Mar 2023, 4:57:46 am
Post: 91/157
You want the donations but half the shit is broke.
Attack the Sydney Throne 275 times. 256 / 275
Get 1 attack per knocking them off.

Gym wouldn't work unless you log out and back in.

This is starting to suck with stuff being broken daily


14 Jun 2023, 3:56:58 pm
Post: 129/185
also...the prison is notttt fixed...just fyi
15 Jun 2023, 6:53:22 pm
Post: 85/119
^ is true, jail is brok. Now sadmins say is fix but we know is not 🖕
17 Jun 2023, 1:04:25 am
Post: 181/240
collection event should run from 6/18-6/25
17 Jun 2023, 3:22:11 am
Post: 193/265
[LODogbert  prestige wrote
Fuck Dogbert  prestige wrote
You must be his lover then. Lovers usually get anything they want from there boyfriends. Seems I hit your sore spot. Can't argue with ignorance so I will let you keep doing what you do. Being a narcissistic asshat you are. Feel free to make a paragraph of you being innocent victim. Nobody like you so quit.

Again, your made up fantasies about other men are not an appropriate topic of conversation on the game. I'm sure you can find plenty of places to talk about that kinda stuff lol.

Seems like you don't know what you're talking about like usual. Also, you should look up the definitions for ignorance and argument as well as speculation while you're at it.

Responding to your speculation with facts and logic and reason doesn't really constitute an argument. It just makes you look even dumber than usual and big mad like always 🤣 🤣

Guys guys, what we need here is a simple way of communicating like a global chat to solve all our differences and keep the forums clutter free! Amirite?
17 Jun 2023, 3:23:42 am
Post: 194/265
Also season pass seems yo only start counting when I hit the free one first, is this glitch or part of plan?
17 Jun 2023, 3:46:01 am
Post: 254/452
[DDDShoresy  prestige wrote
Also season pass seems yo only start counting when I hit the free one first, is this glitch or part of plan?

I'm convinced that it has to be claimed first

Pretty sure I have done crimes that didn't count toward exp and clockins that didn't count before claiming the free one
17 Jun 2023, 10:07:52 pm
Post: 87/119
Attacks seem to be broken again, I keep getting a white page when initiating an HP fight
19 Jun 2023, 2:16:59 pm
Post: 88/119
This Queen has already been defeated.


Edit: nvm looks like if you slay the throne same second or so as it expires then that happens