9 Mar 2023, 4:57:46 am
Post: 91/157
You want the donations but half the shit is broke.
Attack the Sydney Throne 275 times. 256 / 275
Get 1 attack per knocking them off.

Gym wouldn't work unless you log out and back in.

This is starting to suck with stuff being broken daily


3 Aug 2023, 3:39:18 am
Post: 212/265
how about we bring back that game board yo
5 Aug 2023, 3:06:50 am
Post: 284/452
Daily ops ran out again it looks like
6 Aug 2023, 12:08:00 am
Post: 285/452
[LODogbert  prestige wrote
Daily ops ran out again it looks like

Day 2 and these are still broken
6 Aug 2023, 12:53:58 am
Post: 188/240
[DDDShoresy  prestige wrote
how about we bring back that game board yo

didn't seem all that liked 🤣
6 Aug 2023, 9:27:00 am
Post: 19/25
I liked it and I assumed everyone else did
6 Aug 2023, 3:17:46 pm
Post: 13/21
I liked it and I assumed everyone else did

yes all of us 8 active folks love the board game..gotta keep all 8 of us busy in the hospital or most will leave the game like others already have..game use to have 20 or more active online players each hour now its down to 8 active accounts every hour..
7 Aug 2023, 2:14:57 am
Post: 213/265
â„¢  prestige wrote
I liked it and I assumed everyone else did

yes all of us 8 active folks love the board game..gotta keep all 8 of us busy in the hospital or most will leave the game like others already have..game use to have 20 or more active online players each hour now its down to 8 active accounts every hour..

the elite 8 baby!

also sadmins, check the tickets!
8 Aug 2023, 2:44:49 am
Post: 286/452
Crimes per second: 19 (Behind: 1,076)

^ crimes and mugs have been slow af for like a week now

I think it's time to dust the server off and purge events/logs again or shoot the gerbil up with some more steroids or whatever counts as maintenance these days